Meeting the Moment: NMV's Impact 2017–18
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On the heels of a historic midterm election, we're taking a moment to reflect on the past two years, celebrate our successes, and thank our community of entrepreneurs, activists, donors, and investors. "Meeting the Moment" connects the dots from the 2016 election to the recent, crucial advances for progressive causes via a letter from our president, Christie George, a selection of case studies from our portfolio, reflections from our investment team, and an update on our team and network. Here are just a few highlights from the report:
With a laser focus on winning back the House of Representatives, Swing Left built a list of 700K activists in just two years. By election day, these activists raised $10M, knocked on 4.5M doors, and WON.
The midterms were powered by the grassroots, and MobilizeAmerica helped organizations and campaigns host events across all 50 states, recruit more than 380K volunteers, and contact millions of voters.
With 4M members, Pantsuit Nation is the largest FB group in the US on any topic. This cycle, their members sent 1M personal GOTV messages, and the platform also amplified the work of NMV groups like Run for Something, Flippable, and Town Hall Project.
And it’s not just about elections. Leaders in our portfolio are building grassroots movements, advocating for progressive policies, and lifting up new voices – year-round, every year. We’re so inspired by the work of these amazing founders, and we hope that you are, too.
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Our friends at @newmediaventure have just released their 2 Years in review! It's a great overview of how entrepreneurs and activists have contributed to recent wins across the country. #impinv #socent #civictech #Midterms2018
The @newmediaventure portfolio is doing amazing work. Read up on their recent projects and victories in NMV’s 2 Years in review! #impinv #socent #civictech #Midterms2018
We’re proud supporters of @newmediaventure because the orgs they fund are building movements, telling new stories, and sparking civic engagement across the country. Read the latest in their 2 Years in review: #impinv #socent #civictech #Midterms2018