Getting Hiring Right – Tips from Founders
In the categories:
- For Startups
As an entrepreneur, if you could guarantee that you would make excellent decisions in exactly one realm, what should it be? The answer is: Hiring and firing.
Recently, half a dozen entrepreneurs who have been funded by New Media Ventures over the past 6 years got together to host a “FailCon”. They shared the biggest mistakes they had made and what lessons they took from them early on. Turns out, almost every single one of them shared a mistake they had made around hiring and firing.
Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman has been working with NMV’s newest cohort of entrepreneurs to help them navigate the rapids of early-stage startups. She’s put together two great Medium postson hiring & firing and how the right job description can help your org meet its diversity and inclusion goals. Check them out, and let us know what you think!
Taren is the founder of, a global corporate accountability watchdog organization that uses cutting-edge digital campaigning techniques to mobilize millions of consumers around the world. was funded by New Media Ventures and its network of progressive donors shortly after launch in 2011–2012. That investment paid off as Taren grew the budget to $5 million/year after 4 years.